May 5, 2023

On Boarding Programs

A paragraph in their offer letter welcomes your new sales or customer care hire to the team. Included is their invitation to Top Gun, an on boarding program you use to sharpen up skills, give them an opportunity to practice using knowledge they are assimilating, and a chance to work closely with their “buddy” who will join them for the Top Gun visits.

$895 per session

Every play a scorechart defines position and progress. Every play is recorded providing an incredible get better tool and a manager portal to monitor performance.

Different scenarios, skills focus and scoring for sales versus customer care roles.

  • Webinars provided in advance define the scenario and sample plays which allow for preparation
  • Each Session is one hour in length and done via a video web portal
  • Attended by a coach, “buddy”, new hire and potentially “guest stars”
  • Sessions have “plays” and feedback periods
  • Coaches and “buddies” do “reversals” during feedback – show how they would do it
  • “Buddies” provide feedback and will be a teammate or play a customer role in some scenarios
  • Skills webinars discussed during feedback are forwarded after the session
  • Each session is recorded and posted online
  • Designated Managers/Execs are provided video links to recorded sessions and can sit in as “guest stars” – play a role in a scenario or just provide feedback

  • It’s real
  • Customer engagement skills focus, not sales methodology
  • It’s intense
  • Feedback is comprehensive
  • Folks will have to work hard in the sessions and in preparation to maximize progress