Whether leadership change is your choice or theirs, there is always significant business impact risk in a sales or customer care team situation:
- Dropping morale
- Dropping productivity

Finding Winners offers options to consider to mitigate this risk. We can step into any change situation and take a team development role. Our coaches are world class sales and customer care leaders who passionately deliver a Top Gun skills improvement experience to sales and customer care teams.
In the process of running these Top Gun programs:
- We get connected with the team.
- We build comradery, morale and deliver a challenging and “fun” skills improvement experience.
- We focus on specific skills you want to make progress on now.
Follow The Rainbows is an example of a Forecast Review program we run that covers a sales leadership task you need done but feels like a skills development program to the team. And if you have someone you are asking to step up into an interim role, we become their coach. Their odds of being effective and developing great leadership habits go up exponentially.

The “Top Gun” Finding Winners experience is unique and incredibly effective. In customer simulation sessions (role play), we play your client scenarios. It’s real. It’s intense. The feedback is tough, but fair. The sessions are recorded so folks can go back and see if feedback was on target and your new incoming leader will have access to an incredible window into the team via the session videos.

About the Author: Scott Martiny is the former CEO of two companies, one a startup. He has also held positions that involved leading, sales, support, project management, product management and development teams. His current company Finding Winners is a consulting company which executes role play based team development programs.